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While we are all stuck at home and mostly alone, we have our sexual needs. They are no secret and there is no no shame in it. We sometimes think of going out to meet new partners, or have sex with previous sex partners, but we know that this is risky and prefer not do it. 

Being in quarantine is difficult but let’s hope this difficult time is almost over and we will soon have the opportunity to go out again to meet partners and resume our normal life. But until then, it is imperative to stay home to maintain the community’s and our safety.  

It is indeed the safest option to have sex with the partners we are quarantined with. However, not all of us are that lucky (single but aren’t able to mingle); those of us who are not quarantined with their sex partner are looking for substitutes, such as online platforms, to fulfill our sexual needs. 

Sexting is one way; but behold! It might be a double-edged sword. Our safety is a priority and we don’t want to face extremely ruining situations because of one video call or a nude image sent online. We have always faced these security problems even before COVID-19, and nothing changed now.

By simple description, sexting is the fun practice to send nude pictures online or to have a nude video chat with someone we like. But in most of our MENA countries, the police are always looking for people who practice it; adding to that the possibility of sending nudes to a person who plans immediately or in the future to blackmail us with. Also, we want to avoid being a victim of revenge porn.

What is the best way for safely sexting online?

(You can also read the article previously published by AFE: How to send nudes more safely)

Rule #1: Never show your face 

First, you should remember to never show your face in the nude pictures you send to be able to deny they are yours in case of trouble. That’s the most important rule. Whether you were sending pictures or you were on camera with someone, you need to either show your face or your naked body; never both at the same time. Also, remember to cover distinctive marks you might have, like a tattoo, a scar, a necklace you always wear or with your name on it or anything that people might use to clearly identify you; and, of course, remember to cover any remarkable objects in the background (a picture of you, your partner or a family member for example)d try to make the background non-describable and non-identifiable.   

Rule #2: Take your time to know the person: 

Second, take all the time you need to chat and get to know the person you are sexting with. Tease and delay sexting as much as you can. Don’t worry, you won’t be missing any fun. Foreplay for internet sexting is almost as fun as real foreplay. This way, you will get to know your partner and have a glimpse on their intentions. Furthermore, always remember that you cannot trust anyone online. Even when they seem harmless, they could be acting patient to get to what they need.

Rule #3: Use secure platforms: 

Third, please be aware of the level of security the platforms you are using are offering. For example, WhatsApp application gives you the possibility of deleting your messages from all devices (“delete for everyone”). However, if someone has the WhatsApp Plus application which is a cracked unsecure application, they can store everything you are sending, and they can appear offline while they are actually online. As appealing as these options might seem, Whatsapp Plus is an unsecure application that can steal your information and does not belong to the original Whatsapp application. 

WhatsApp also allows screenshots, which shows the phone number of the user. That’s a problem: even if you are not showing your face, people might still identify your phone number. So, for sexting, it’s preferable to use a secure platform that doesn’t require your phone number such as Jitsi ( It is also recommended to use VPN while doing it.

Last, if you were experiencing blackmailing or any potential online threat, please ask for help before it’s too late.  

If you are not sure whether an application is safe or not, consult expert websites such as Front Line Defenders. And most importantly, when in doubt, or when you can’t figure out if an application is safe or not, it is preferable that you do not use it at all. 

Finally, remember that quarantine is just a phase. If you need more information please contact us.



Author admin

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