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Homepage NewsNewsDigital Security Sessions
June 2, 2021

Digital Security Sessions

This original training was developed by the Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality. It was adapted for online use through the LINKAGES project and Freedom House and with support from…
Homepage NewsNewsIDAHOBIT 2021
May 17, 2021


يوم 17 أيار/مايو ، اليوم العالمي لمناهضة رهاب المثلية الجنسية والعبور الجنسي وازدواج الميل الجنسي، يمثل تاريخاً رمزياً لمجتمع الميم-عين الدولي. في 17 أيار/مايو 1990، تم حذف المثلية الجنسية من…
Homepage NewsNewsOpen Letter
May 16, 2021

Open Letter

The practices that LGBTIQ+ people are exposed to when hosted on local, regional and international media basically contribute to widening the gap between society and individuals who have non-normative gender…
Homepage NewsPublicationsResearchAlong The Way
March 23, 2021

Along The Way

إن الهــدف مــن هــذا الكتيــب هــو تســليط الضــوء علــى المعلومــات الهامــة والالزمــة للحــد مــن المخاطــر التــي تؤثــر علــى أمــن الالجئيــن/ ات مـن مجتمـع الميـم- عيـن، ومسـاعدتهم/ن علـى فهـم حقوقهـم/ن بشـكل…

I was able to know myself from a perspective which made me gain the ability to accept others and their opinions even if they were different than mine, it also gave me the ability to listen and be patient.

Arwa Othman

The SCP added to my knowledge about a marginalized and unfairly treated community, providing a better way to understand it. My perspective on things and my priorities changed. It made me more determined to learn and know more.

Enas Mohammed Mahmoud

The SCP taught me new ways of strategic planning, and how effective advocacy and lobbying are. It changed my perspective on acceptance and diversity

Farouk Ashour

The SCP gave me tools to empower the LGBT and feminist movement


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