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Dear Friends and Colleagues,


We hope you are all well and safe during these difficult times.

As there have been recent allegations of harassment against AFE senior management, and because we at the Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality (AFE) take all forms of harassment and bullying very seriously and stand by our mission to end all forms of violence in the workplace and beyond, AFE’s Board of Directors has decided to proceed with an external committee of experts to conduct an investigation regarding these allegations.

This investigation is independent from AFE and all information will be treated with utmost confidentiality by the investigators and the AFE Board. This post is to encourage anyone who has information that is relevant to this investigation, please be in touch with one of the investigators: Ms. May Ghanem (

We stand by our policies, and once again, we encourage anyone who has relevant information to reach out to the investigators.

Best regards,

AFE team


To download AFE’s Code of ethics, press HERE.


Author admin

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