Homepage NewsNews October 31, 2020 Call for proposals – EGYPT The Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality announces the opening of its call for proposals… admin Love1
ArticlesHomepage NewsPublications October 22, 2020 كيفية القيام بالفحص الشخصي لسرطان الثدي سرطان الثدي هو أكثر أنواع السرطانات شيوع́ لدى النسا ء والعابرين و العابرات. يمكن لسرطان… admin Love0
Homepage NewsPublicationsToolkits & Reports October 7, 2020 Guideline for Journalists on Gender and Gender-Sensitive Reporting Reporting on gender issues, especially on gender-based violence can often be a sensitive topic to… khalil Love1
Homepage NewsNews October 5, 2020 AFE signs collaboration partnership with HKCC The Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality has signed an official collaboration partnership with the… admin Love0
Annual ReportsHomepage NewsReports September 21, 2020 Annual Report 2019 Annual Report 2019 for AFE For English click here Pour la langue française cliquez ici… khalil Love0
Homepage NewsNews September 4, 2020 بيان عام يهمّنا أن نؤكّد أنّنا في "المؤسّسة العربية للحريات والمساواة (AFE)" أجرينا في الأشهر القليلة الماضية،… khalil Love1
Homepage NewsNews September 4, 2020 Public statement In the past few months, AFE has been in discussions with its local, regional and… khalil Love0
Homepage NewsNews July 2, 2020 بيان المؤسسة في إطار ما نشهده مؤخرًا من حملاتٍ تشهيريّة عبر منصّات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، وما تتضمّنه… admin Love3
Homepage NewsNews July 2, 2020 Statement In light of the series of unfortunate events and misguided statements based solely on truncated… admin Love1
ArticlesHomepage NewsPublications June 20, 2020 Does PrEP prevent COVID? There have been recent news reports about different medicines being tested to treat or prevent… khalil Love0